Sunday, August 31, 2014

Making a Prayer Journal and Bible Notebook

A few years ago my best friend made me a prayer journal for my birthday. It has seriously been one of my most favorite gifts I've ever received!

This past week in our KONOS Inquisitiveness unit, Xander was instructed to make his very own prayer journal. I was more than happy to show him mine and help him make his own!

My prayer journal

I love that she organized verses into topics for easy reference and even added a few poems and hymns. She even put my favorite verse on the front! 

We used a small photo album we purchased at the dollar store and simply turned the decorative cover sheet over so we'd have a nice white background. I wrote out his favorite verse and put it on thop of the cover which he then decorated with stickers.

 Back cover

Front cover

On the inside I wrote out some of his favorite verses. He's already in the habit of highlighting verses he finds that he really enjoys, so I am encouraging him to write them out and add them to his journal too. 

Here's one he's already added

I also gave him 4 index cards all with different prayer topics so he could list the names of those he felt led to pray for. He has a card for friends, family, unbelievers, and healing. He may want to add more in the future, but I thought that was a good start! If he was younger, I would have had him put pictures of the friends and family he's praying for instead of having him write their names. I still may suggest it!

I have a separate journal I use for studying the bible and taking notes. However, I decided just to add a small notebook to the middle of his prayer journal for any questions or thoughts he may have while praying/reading.  

I just put the front cover of the notebook under the plastic to secure it. 

This little notebook/journal has already come in very handy, and I think it's helping lead him into a deeper level of study and prayer. I hope it gets as worn out as mine!

Clay Minecraft Art Project

It has been super hot out this week, so today we decided to find some indoor activities for our lazy Sunday afternoon.

Side note: I am so ready for October!

My husband often plays Minecraft with Xander and today they enjoyed building a  house with a massive treehouse together. After completing their designs, they decided to use clay and make a minecraft picture. 

They used a piece of construction paper as a background. While using a small set of square cutters I purchased at a craft store they cut out different sized squares and arranged them on their paper, then pressed down lightly to attach them. This was a great opportunity to reinforce fractions, as they had to divide the squares into halves and even quarters to get the right sizes.

This was a really quick, fun activity! I think  it would be cute to use a small shoebox instead of paper so you could make your creation in 3D! We may have to try that ourselves!

Now, on to Uno! 


Monday, August 18, 2014

How To Save A Life

This post isn't about homeschooling, but I do believe it relates to having a servant's heart. The church that we have been visiting started a series a few weeks ago entitled "How To Save A Life" which has focused a lot on witnessing and making deciples. Tragically, we were given a famous example of our need to BE the gospel this past week.

Depression is a serious thing and I'm not trying to say that Christians never struggle with illness, but I am saying that we need to show people the hope that we have found in Jesus. There's nothing more tragic than someone, anyone, losing their life without that hope. This is really a time to reflect on the hurt in this world instead of trying to shield ourselves and ignore it. I may not be in the position to be heard by the masses, but God never asked me to change the world. He has, however, given me friends, family and acquaintances who need to know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives.  

If you don't know that hope, if you don't feel that peace that passes all understanding, I would love to pray for you. Please leave me a comment or send me an email


I added a link {HERE} to the sermon we had on Sunday, it's entitled Lost Puppy. All of it was good, but I loved his response to a Facebook post he read aloud for us. It's around the 21 minute mark. I pray it blesses you!