Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Heart of A Child

I have to share this. Before I do though, I gotta tell you what a pain my son can be and that he's rowdy and loud and FAR from perfect, as I am myself. I don't want anyone to think we are better than we are. We are hugely flawed and it's only by God's grace that we can do ANYTHING. My hope here is to show God's faithfulness and love toward ALL who will open their hearts and lives to Him, not to present a false picture of perfection.

This past weekend, Xander's piano teacher held a mini recital at one of the nursing homes we use to sing at in the past with our last church. Now, I don't want it to sound like we went ALL the time. We went when I was off work, which wasn't much. Not as much as I'd like. However, the last time we went (months ago) I was touched by how much the elderly people loved having us (Xander) there. They loved on him and he loved on them. I didn't have to encourage him to speak to anyone or shake their hand, he just did it. lovingly. Even telling them he loved them! I was so moved as I watched him and pray to be more like that myself. {I'm an introvert. We have bubbles.}

I have posted before about my belief, and Xander's claim, that he was created to sing and worship God.


He doesn't have any natural talent for it, but he doesn't care. I no longer think those things matter anyway, really. God looks at the HEART. He will use whatever we let him use to bless others and glorify Him. 

He was very excited to play his piano Saturday. Yes, I know, I'm his mom and am blessed by ALMOST everything he does, but I was brought to tears as I watched him play from his heart. He was feeling the music.



When the sweet voices of his audience hummed and sang gently along, it was....a blessing. Just a huge, huge blessing. 

We may not think we are talented or equipped to serve others and speak of His love, but having those things are just bonuses. It may make it easier, but people really just want a genuine heart. Someone who will pray with them, encourage them, love them. I spent a long time praying I was better at singing, speaking, NOT being socially awkward, but I see now that those are just vain wishes. Something to make ME feel better about the transparency of truly sharing my heart with others. When we just let go of those things (self) and honor the One we are claiming to serve, He will do the rest and He will get the credit for the blessing! That's really what we want anyway, right?! It's so simple. Lord, help us to have the heart of a child. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Freebie!

2009 Holiday Digital Supplement/Idea Book

Get this 180 page digital magazine FREE from the folks at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine! Great holiday craft ideas, TONS of recipes, and even printable Bible verse copywork for FREE!

 ~ can you tell I'm impressed?~

Get your copy HERE and enjoy!

Mama Time

Don't think by the title that this post is solely about us mamas. I believe everything we do affects our children so we all need to lead by example. As a mom, I try to encourage my boys to be creative and give themselves time to pursue their interests. Somewhere along the way though, I realize I've neglected my own hobbies (that just comes with the MOM title, right). So, I've decided to allocate time for myself to improve and enjoy my own interests!

I recently signed up for FREE online writing classes through our local library (love those guys!). And have committed myself to reading and writing a little everyday. I figure I can do this during my hubby's football games {insert eyeroll here} after the kids are in bed.

I also love to paint and draw and am hoping to incorporate more of that in our homeschooling since Xander loves it as well. Here's two of his faves from his KONOS obedience study last year...the topic was light...

Learning and hobbies should be a life long passion of ours! If I'm teaching my kids that, then I should lead by example and share the joy it brings me with them. I'm sure, if we are a little more diligent with our time, MOST of us could find a little to spare each week on our passions and talents. Doing so may bring a bit more joy to our lives, and possibly others too. God is creative and passionate and He has given us all gifts and talents for a reason! Let us glorify Him in everything we do, with all He's given us!